Lovely sharing

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This is lovely

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@ last I've got to substack! So much in the Fionn statue that's coming over nexy year. I reckon I agree with Mark Twain (Mr Clements) about elections and also Pericles and Plato but especially In on imagination. Your honorable friend Victor has clearly done a great job with the Park, the Wicklow Way and I like the Budda figure in the lake. I too like Victor admire Spinoza as I do with Leibniz and Kant and of course now I've heard of John Toland I include him. I particularly like the coloured snakes in Fion's hand and of course we need them back after St Patrick! Is Victor a druid himself; he's certainly as good as one!

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Sorry 'bout that monastery, Siofra

The ancestors waged a war of retribution.

The fire in their hearts and the fire in their hearths

Brimming with Runic Kenning.

They remembered Chuck the Butcher

And figured that nothing purer

Was there beyond giving the sword

To the Christian murderer.

In their rage they got carried away

Until betrayed by their kings

The Mediterranean cross bore them down

Yet never completely.

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